Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Transportation in our Area-Tony Wozniak

 Travel by air
 Travel by bike
Travel by bus
Travel by car
Travel by foot

When it comes to transportation in the South Bend area, there are five major types.  They are: car, air, bus, bike, and on foot.  I have always been interested in transportation and logistics.  How people and goods get around is something that really interests me.  We live in an area where there is good variety when it comes to getting from place to place.  I know places like Chicago and New York City are much better in terms of transportation, we are still lucky to have different ways to get around.  I did not include in picture form traveling by the south shore (although the picture of SBN suggests by rail as well as air), but we are very lucky to have an airport so close to us that offeres flights to ten different destinations, as well as a commuter train that takes us right downtown Chicago.  Transporation can be looked at from many different perspectives, but these five pictures best show the transporation in our area.  If someone from a different country saw these five pictures, they would see that these are the most common places and types of transporation around here.  I hope to continue to study the demographics and logistics of our area because it is something that is vital to many peoples lives in this area.  There will always be a need for transportation no matter where we are.

Pictures were taken at South Bend Regional Airport (Air/Train), St. Mary's College (bike), Transpo Station downtown South Bend (bus), downtown South bend of traffic (car), and at IUSB of the large walking bridge (foot).


  1. That is definitely creative way of assembling all part and all bits and grits of communication and transportation manners. I like it because it clearly shows how transportation is actually put into motion going from a simple infrastructure to actual means that we as human use to make or transportation possible and usable.For example if you can include a brick and mortar location and a steady traffic light into transportation definition, that makes it even more creative and completely inclusive.
