Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life is a Video Game

Working on behalf of the Publishers

Kickin it Old School, arcade style

The important decisions are the most difficult...

Blurring the lines of gameplay

My favorite, me as an 8 bit sprite! Courtesy of Melissa
Matthew Keszei
Life is a Video Game

I live by the belief that if you do what you're passionate about, you'll never have to work a day in your life. My passion happens to be video games, an industry that's changing the way we live in and interact with the world around us. I attempted to capture my daily interactions with video games, from my job working for the publishers, to my interacting with these artworks. I end with my favorite, an 8 bit version of me created courtesy of my fiance Melissa. I hope you enjoy, any feedback is welcome in the comment section below!


  1. I really enjoy the sprite of yourself. This topic is very interesting to choose, and is also a very big part of my life.

  2. Way to stick with your passion. I like that.
    Alexis Ford-Doan
